GU FAMILY BOOK (Episode 15)

Young Dam Yeo Wool tries to remove a sword from the stand but her little hands and strength couldn’t take it off.  Her father arrives to help her. 
Dam Pyeong Joon gives her the sword accompanied with an advice that the sword itself is the strength.  If one gets an innocent person killed by it, its weight will become unbearably heavy.

At present, Yeo Wool is in the forest searching for Kang Chi while the latter is inside the monk’s house where he learned that his father, Wol Ryeong, will try to kill him and everyone related to him.   This bad news prompted him to run back to the academy.  

While running in the forest, Kang Chi hears Yeo Wool cry for help.  Yeo Wool encounters Wol Ryeong who has been watching her in the forest since she came.   Yeo Wool runs to escape but trips and sprained her ankle.  Wol Ryeong appears before her. 
They ask for each other’s name.  Wol Ryeong asks her if she is the daughter of Dam Pyeong Joon.  Wol Ryeong said he knows Kang Chi’s father, the mythical creature who was killed by her father Dam Pyeong Joon. 
The mythical creature asks if Kang Chi is aware of this fact but seeing Yeo Wool surprised and bothered expression, Wol Ryeong understands that Kang Chi doesn’t know.  

When she gets the chance, Yeo Wool aims the sword to Wol Ryeong as she tries to ask for his identity.  But Wol Ryeong tells her that he cannot be killed with a sword.  Wol Ryeong pulls her and in an instant aims the sword back to Yeo Wool.

Kang Chi couldn’t find Yeo Wool when she heard her scream.  He follows its direction and sees Yeo Wool kneeling on the ground, shocked and in tears.  Kang Chi comes to her and checks on her.  When Yeo Wool realized its Kang Chi, she breaks down.

Jo Kwan Woong, meanwhile, is doubting the intentions of Park Tae Seo even though the latter has given him juicy details of the admiral’s plans.  When he asked about his purpose, Park Tae Seo, in their earlier conversation, told Jo Kwan Woong that he is just after the welfare of his sister. 

At the forest, Kang Chi takes care of Yeo Wool’s injury. During their conversations, he often used the word woman which Yeo Wool noticed.  She asks him if he sees her as a woman. 
He said yes.  Kang Chi helps her to get up.  When Yeo Wool takes his hand, Kang Chi accidentally pulled her hard causing them to get too close.  Kang Chi and Yeo Wool stare at each other. 
The young man seems to want to kiss the young lady but tries to control himself saying they should go because the master might be looking for them.  On their way home, Yeo Wool trips again causing Kang Chi to worry.  He offers his back but Yeo Wool refuses.  In the end, despite Yeo Wool’s refusal, Kang Chi carries her. 
Situation like this strengthens the budding romance between Kang Chi and Yeo Wool.  Their feelings have yet to be revealed but their actions speak wiser, louder than any words. 
The happy moments, however, didn’t last long when Gon and some members of the academy found them. Worse, Master Dam Pyeong Joon was with them!  

At the academy, Pyeong Joon confronts his daughter.  He said he should be careful with her actions because she will be married soon to Tae Seo.  But Yeo Wool reiterates that it was only Pyeong Joon’s decision and not hers.  The master claims that as her father, it is his duty to choose who will marry his daughter. But Yeo Wool retaliates that the reason why he is cold to Kang Chi is because he killed his father. 
She asks if it is true but Dam Pyeong Joon asks if Kang Chi is aware of this fact.  She said no.

Park Tae Seo, meanwhile, is suddenly visited by Kang Chi who wears a black ninja clothes and carries a sword.  Kang Chi asks him some details about the ship but Park Tae Seo pretends not to know anything. 
When Park Tae Seo says a phrase, Kang Chi replied but Tae Seo tries to hit him.  The two engage in a fight.  Jo Kwan Woong stops them.  It turns out, the retired officer used the magic of Deputy Seo to pretend as Kang Chi to test if Tae Seo is lying.

The real Kang Chi, meanwhile, just nursed the monk instead of going back to the academy.  Sojung wakes up and discovers that Kang Chi did not run away. 
Kang Chi learns that divine creatures can kill and be killed; that if he can die, he can also kill Wol Ryung.  Sojung tells Kang Chi that he cannot win over Wol Ryeong.  The monk wonders aloud why is Kang Chi fighting someone he can’t win over.  Kang Chi tells him that Wol Ryeong touched something he shouldn’t have.
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Kang Chi explains that it is enough for him to know the identity of Wol Ryung.  He believes in a saying he tweaked - if you know your opponent and myself...then either we become enemies or friends.  This saying that he uses has helped Park Tae Seo to discover the deception he is facing when a certain Kang Chi barged in his room.  True enough it wasn’t Kang Chi.

When Kang Chi is on his way home, Wol Ryeong appears.  Kang Chi, knowing a fight might ensue, walks towards Wol Ryeong. But the plants crawl into his legs and to his waist, stopping the half-human, half mythical creature!
Both Kang Chi and Wol Ryeong were surprised on what’s happening to the former.  Wol Ryeong leaves.

Kang Chi is running back to the academy while shouting Yeo Wool’s name. He wants to share what happened to him in the forest.  He meets Gon and shares what he experienced.  But Gon couldn't understand what he is saying.  When he asks for her, Kang Chi finds out that Yeo Wool is being locked in as ordered by Dam Pyeong Joon. 
Inside her room, Yeo Wool, who is forced to obey his father’s command, meets Madam Yeo Joo who will teach her the basic in sewing and embroidering as her first lessons.  But prior to her lesson, Yeo Wool needs to wear hanbok.  Fuming, she orders the guards outside her room to meet her father.  

Pyeong Joon explains that since she is about to get married, she must learn proper etiquette as a woman.  Yeo Wool reminds her father the he told her not to forget the weight of the sword and to learn to use the sword to protect the people.  Pyeong Joon reveals a new wish for his daughter – that is to live as a woman, put down the sword and find happiness as a wife.  But Yeo Wool stress that if its not Kang Chi, she will not do it.  Pyeong Joon gets annoyed and tells his daughter that he will not give up his daughter to a half-human, half-divine creature.  He also fears what Kang Chi’s reactions might be if he finds out that it was him who killed his father.  He begs her daughter not to make him kill an innocent man again.

Meanwhile, Gon tells Kang Chi the real reason why Yeo Wool is being locked up. That’s because Kang Chi keeps on getting closer to Yeo Wool.  But Kang Chi asks Gon if locking up the body can close someone’s heart.  Kang Chi suggests that they should have asked him to leave instead of punishing an innocent person.  Gon presents him his plan. 
Gon throws Kang Chi a belt with ten small bells. Then Gon strikes Kang Chi’s belt and one of the bells drop.  Kang Chi learned that he has three days to protect the bells from getting slashed.  If all the bells are cut from the belt, that means he will be kicked out of the academy permanently.

Kang Chi’s questions Gon’s authority.  But Kang Chi is dumbfounded when Gon introduced himself as one of the Four Noble Masters as he shows his sword with apricot blossom symbol.
Yeo Wool continues her lessons while Kang Chi is worried sick of his situation.  He talks to master Gong Dal who justifies that Gon is best in sword fighting, second to Master Dam.  But Kang Chi still belittles Gon saying he is just a bodyguard following Yeo Wool. 
Then another bell falls on floor!  Gon is standing behind him!  Now there are eight bells left!  Kang Chi complaints that it is cheating but Gong Dal makes him realize that it is not cheating because there are no rules. 

Later, Kang Chi is on his way to the toilet when Gon walks out and slash another bell!  When Kang Chi is washing his face, another bell falls to the ground! Gon is behind him again! 
Irritated by the situation that he is nearly losing, Kang Chi attacks Gon who is swift in his moves.  In the end, Kang Chi loses another bell.
Yeo Wool, meanwhile, is working on her stitches but gets upset whenever she gets pricked by a needle.  More used to holding the sword than a needle, Yeo Wool complaints but her teacher tells her that nothing is perfect on first day.

Kang Chi decides to stay outside so he could see if there is anyone behind him.  Seeing plants on the wall, he remembers the leaves that crawled on his body.  He orders the plants around to grow but it never did. 
Then he removes his bracelet, orders the plants to grow and voila! The plants grew!  Unknown to him, Wol Ryeong is near him watching as Kang Chi enjoys the idea of plants growing instantly.  But when Wol Ryeong touches some flowers, it withered and died.

There is a rumor spreading that Choi Kang Chi is the son of a gumiho that sheriff Pyeong Joon killed 20 years ago and that all the murder cases in the woods are acts of Kang Chi.

But Ma Bong Chool tells his subordinate that is not true because if Kang Chi is a son of a gumiho, he is probably dead by now.  He learns its all over town.  Irked by this information, Ma Bong Chool announces that those who will be caught spreading false information about Kang Chi will be dumped in the sea of Yeosu.
The chief of police is reporting to the admiral when the latter asks for updates on the murder cases.  The police officer tells the admiral about the rumors – that Choi Kang Chi is the son of a deceased gumiho, making him the suspect in the murder cases.  When the admiral asks who gave him such false information, the police official said it was Jo Kwan Woong.

The police official relays that Jo Kwan Woong wants Choi Kang Chi to be investigated but the Admiral defends the young man’s right.  The scrupulous retired officer also sent his reminder to the admiral that their agreement is still up.  If Choi Kang Chi is guilty, the admiral shares the responsibility.

The police official tries to convince the admiral to send Choi Kang Chi to prove his innocence rather than allow the gossip to further come out and become blown out of proportion.

The Masters are holding a meeting.  They couldn’t believe that the agreement or note made between the Admiral and Jo Kwan Woong will drag down the naval base officer.

Kang Chi is walking around the premises of the academy when he sees Yeo Wool in her window.  Kang Chi approaches Yeo Wool who is happy to see the man who makes her smile.  She shows Kang Chi her wounded fingers pricked by needles.  Yeo Wool said she would rather be cut by a sword than be poked by a needle.  But Kang Chi express his happiness because Yeo Wool won’t have to go into the woods alone and she doesn’t need to step up to save the world and she wouldn’t be in danger because of him.  

Kang Chi then approaches her and gives her a plant.  Yeo Wool asks if its a piece of grass when Kang Chi corrects her.  Then the plant, surrounded by the magical blue lights, blooms in front of Yeo Wool!
The young lady asks how Kang Chi did it.  The man tells Yeo Wool that he just thinks of it to grow, then it grows.  Unknown to Yeo Wool, Kang Chi is not wearing his bracelet.
Yeo Wool accepts the flower.  Definitely, there is more than the flower because when Kang Chi hands her the flower, their hands brushed and electricity of love flows through both of them. Indeed, a romantic relationship is blossoming!

Park Cheong Jo is in the academy with the head gisaeng.  She learned that her brother no longer stays in the academy and Kang Chi is nowhere to be found. 
When they were about to leave, Cheong Jo saw from afar Choi Kang Chi giving a flower to  Yeo Wool by her window.  In her room, Cheong Jo picks up the medicine sent by Kang Chi and throws it on the floor. 
Yeo Wool, meanwhile, puts the flower Kang Chi gave her in a vase and places it on her table.  Yeo Wool is looking at her flower when worry looms over her.  She remembers what Wol Ryeong and her father told her.

Finally, Kang Chi finishes counting the beans and returns the sack to master Gong Dal.  But Kang Chi’s figures are wrong.  Kang Chi begs for a hint so he could reach the write answer. 
Gong Dal shows his broomstick and asks Kang Chi to grab it.  But the young man couldn’t, saying the wise old man is faster than him.  The master tells him that it is all about essence.  But Kang Chi couldn’t comprehend what the master meant.

On his way out of his quarters, master Gong Dal looks back on Kang Chi who is talking to himself.  He remembers what they had in the meeting and feels sad for Kang Chi.  In the meeting, Pyeong Joon stress that if anything happens to the Admiral, they must stop it even if it means sacrificing Kang Chi.

Later in the evening, Kang Chi is performing his night shift duty when Wol Ryeong appears in the premises of the academy.  Kang Chi sensed someone’s presence but when he asked, no one answered.  Gong Dal also sensed the intruder’s presence, too.

Choi Kang Chi searches for the intruder.  Then he sees Wol Ryung standing outside the gate of the academy.  Kang Chi asks who he is but Wol Ryeong respond with his sparkling red eyes.

At the Hundred Year Inn, Park Tae Seo was caught looking over at the rooms of the Japanese guests from a distance. 
He was led to the room of Ja Hong Myeong, who asks Tae Seo what brings him to her room. Ja Hong Myeong, in Korean, says Tae Seo is probably curious about her.  Same thing with her. 
Then, without much ado, the Japanese woman removes her cover to talk to Park Tae Seo face to face.

Kang Chi reacts to Wol Ryeong.  When the clouds unveil the moon, Kang Chi sees the face of the man in front of him.  He asks who is he.  Wol Ryung asks if he is Choi Kang Chi.  Then Kang Chi answers by asking again who he is. He said he is Gu Wol Ryeong.

Now that Choi Kang Chi finally meets Wol Ryung, will this be a start of a new relationship? Or will this be the end of Kang Chi since Wol Ryeong is now the thousand year evil spirit who wants to kill him because he is the son of Yoon Seo Hwa?  And what will happen if Kang Chi finds out that his father was killed by Yeo Wool’s father?  Will it be the end of his relationship with the woman he is currently in love with?

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